HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Stop by the shop to see more goodies! Thank you for shopping small and local with us!


Color of the Week: CAMEL

This week, we are inspired by the color CAMEL. On these much needed rainy days in SF, there's nothing better than day dreaming about a warm desert place, where beautiful tan camels roam,
and sandy hills and clear skies stretch as far as the eye can see...   
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COLOR OF THE WEEK: Orange Creamsicle

Lately this winter weather has been surprisingly warm for us fellow San Franciscans.  What better way to cool off the winter sun than with a yummy creamsicle?! You know, those popsicles that are half ice cream half fruit! Creamy Vanilla with a mix of Warm colors of orange, shades of lush red strawberries, and refreshing vibrant tones of peach... pretty feelings of pink hues is our muse this week, and the new Everly Spring collection we just got into the shop is just that! 