Asmbly Hall Part II, Now Open in NoPa!

Friends & Fam!
Wondering why our website has been so quiet?
No new updates, no new blogs, no new pics.
What's up you ask???!
We're sorry that we've been neglecting you online.
But, we have had our hands full!
We're happy to share our newest addition..
ASMBLY HALL Part II, now open!
Come visit us at our new outpost in the NoPa~
Smack dab in the middle of popular concert venue
The Independent and new barcade Emporium.
We are loving our new neighborhood
and can't wait for you all to stop by and say HI!
In the meantime, check out a few teasers
of our new digs...
(yes that is our security Paw Patrol - front door greeter!)
We can't wait to see you at our new Divis Outpost,
or at our OG Fillmore Flagship.
And if you can't make it in, don't fret--
we will be back to our normally scheduled
website updates soon!!!

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