We're happy to announce that we will be hosting our 2nd Dear Creatures sample sale here at the shop, next Saturday 12/14 and Sunday 12/15! We had much success and a fabulous turnout from our first sample sale with DC back in May, we just had to do it again. And what better time than right before Christmas!!!
The sale will be during our regular store hours (Sat: 11-7pm and Sun: 12-6pm), and will include a designer meet & greet with Bianca and Rob on Saturday from 12-1pm. We'll also be holding raffles and an Instagram contest to win Dear Creatures and ASMBLY HALL gift certificates- more details on the contest to come!
If you came to our last DC sample sale, you'll know to get here early to take advantage of this spectacular sale! Not only are the prices unbeatable, but they'll be goods in ALL sizes! That's right, ALL SIZES! (XS-L)
So stop on in, bring a friend, and stock up on goodies for yourself and your special gal-friends for the Holidays.. You won't want to miss it!